The CAMINANTE Screenings

The CAMINANTE Project is writing to inform you that a short video of the CAMINANTE in action in Madrid was selected for the first edition of the Festival of Minimum Urban Performances in Video “Urban Body in Action.”  We are happy to announce that the video—along with others selected—will be screened at the following events/venues.  This list will be updated when necessary.


The CAMINANTE Selected

The CAMINANTE Project created a short video that was selected by Iª Edición Festival Internacional de Performances Mínimas Urbanas en Vídeo (1st Edition of the International Festival of Urban Video Minimum Performances

The CAMINANTE Walks Berlin

After more than a one-year hiatus the CAMINANTE will make a return and walk Berlin over a long weekend later in October.  The CAMINANTE seeks a better understanding of the German capital through a closer reading of its urban landscape and fabric.  This weekend walk is also part of his ongoing investigations into his own role in twenty-first century economic systems and structures.